
Basic Site Components ID: DBT-GS-BSC

Marketpath CMS was built to make development as straightforward as possible. When you build a traditional website it is comprised of standard website elements - pages, templates, stylesheets, and Javascript. Marketpath CMS is essentially the same, with a few exceptions. 

Pages (which represent unique URL's) are tied to a data object that we generically call an Entity. Every page on the site is derived from a single entity, whether that entity is an article, a blog post, a calendar entry, an author, or one of several other object types. 

Fig. 1 - Basic Site Compontents

Every entity can have one URL and therefore only one Page Template. Page templates contain the site's HTML. They control the layout and content that appears on a page and also include stylesheets and Javascript links.

Page templates can also include Partial Templates which define reusable blocks of HTML markup. In most cases, page templates will include header and footer partial templates at the beginning and end, respectively, like in the code below. This allows you to separate concerns.

{% include "header" %}
<div class="main-page-body">
  {{ entity.content_html }}
{% include "footer" %}

Other partial templates may be built for image galleries, navigation, forms, calls-to-action, author snippets, cards, and much more.


On the Preview Site and Live Site, all of these components (i.e. templates, stylesheet links, Javascript links, etc) are rendered on-demand and available immediately after being published. The Marketpath CMS rendering engine is strategically optimized to parse and build pages extremely fast.

Fast Cache

Most pages will take advantage of the Marketpath CMS Fast Cache. This is a caching mechanism that saves the fully rendered page content and then loads it for future requests. This cuts rendering time by more than half, in most cases, and cuts down on server processing. The cache is fully cleared every time something on the site is published but is rebuilt quickly as visitors crawl your site.

Fast Cache is skipped for pages that use query strings, session variables, personalization, and other select Liquid methods and object references.


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