
User Dashboard ID: EBT-GS-UD

When you first login to Marketpath CMS you will see the user dashboard (Fig. 1). This has several important areas of which to be aware.

Figure 1 - User dashboard


The latest release highlights will be shown in the top banner along with a link to the full release notes. We encourage everyone to skim the release notes after each release so you’re getting the most out of Marketpath CMS by taking advantage of all the new features, updates, and bug fixes.

You may notice our releases all have pictures of llamas and have some type of name relating to llamas. This started with our very first beta release in 2016 and has continued ever since with fun names like Operation No-Prob-llama and Operation UI-GUI Llama (Ooey-Gooey).

Helpful Links

The helpful links section contains miscellaneous links for helping you create new sites, open the support portal, and master Marketpath CMS content editing and development.

User Profile

The user profile section provides a quick overview of your user details and preferences. The most important information here is your email and your timezone. The UserType is to help us personalize your experience within Marketpath CMS. 

Clicking the edit icon will allow you to change all of these settings, including your communication preferences. 


Please fill out the form below with your feedback or any questions you may have after working through the "User Dashboard" lesson.

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