
Activate ID: PM-NV-A


  • Marketpath automatically runs all of the pre-activation checks against your draft version before activating it. If it fails any of these tests, your package version may automatically be modified and you will have to activate it again.
  • When a version is activated, Marketpath performs the update actions for each site that the package is installed on.
  • Activating a package version is final. Once a version has been activated it cannot be modified.

Before Activating

Whether or not you manually pre-activate your draft version, Marketpath will run all of the pre-activation tests on your version prior to activating it. If any of these tests fail and/or change your draft version you will be prompted to review the version and try again.

While you can skip the manual pre-activation if desired, the recommended best practice is to manually pre-activate your draft version once you have added all of the primary assets to it. This makes it easy for you to review everything as it will be present in the final version.

Following pre-activation, there are a number of additional checks that you should perform manually in order to guarantee a high-quality package that is easy to install:

  1. Are all of the assets in the draft version "final"? It is always worth checking the source site to make sure that everything looks good and functions properly. Keep in mind that assets should be exactly the way that you want them to be when installed on other sites - including links, branding, etc...
  2. Are there any mapped assets that should be included in the package instead?
  3. Are there any assets in the package that should be mapped instead?
  4. Are there assets in this package that should be in their own package and included as a dependency instead?
  5. Do all of the required and recommended mapped assets have descriptions? Are the descriptions concise and instructive for assisting users during package installation?
  6. Does your draft version have the correct Version Number and a descriptive Changelog?

Remember that activation is final. There is no way to modify a package version once it has been activated. Furthermore, because an asset can only be included in one package, it is much easier to organize assets into multiple packages before activating them. A few extra minutes now can save a lot of time and headache later.

During Activation

When you activate a package version, all of the pre-activation checks are automatically run. If the draft version is modified as a result of the pre-activation checks you will be prompted to review the changes and try again.

If all of the pre-activation checks are passed without modifying the draft version, then all of the assets in the version will be finalized. The system will take permanent copies of all relevant assets as they are on the source site so that future changes to the source site will have no effect on historic package versions. THERE IS NO WAY TO ADD, MODIFY, OR REMOVE INFORMATION FROM AN ACTIVATED PACKAGE VERSION. The only information that can be edited after activation is the changelog.

Within minutes of activation, Marketpath will begin updating sites and notifying administrators about your latest release.


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