
Creating a package ID: PM-CP-CP

This lesson walks you through the steps required to create a new package, as well as to begin creating a new version of an existing package.

1. Create a new package

Once you have sufficiently planned your new package, creating is relatively simple:

  1. Navigate to manage the site that you want the package to be on. If you want the package to be on a new site then create the site before continuing.
  2. Navigate to Site => Site Packages
  3. Click on the "New" toolbar button.
  4. Fill out the new package details. Most of the options should be self-explanatory and may be edited after the package is created, but the following is helpful to know:
    • Public Package: As noted in the previous lesson, this may not be editable after the package is created.
    • Image: This must be a png, jpg, or jpeg image. Ideally you should use an image that is 960 pixels wide and 540 pixels high (a 16:9 ratio) since larger images will automatically be cropped to those dimensions anyways.
    • Demo and Info URL: This may be any valid URL, starting with either http:// or https://
    • Default Update Type: This is only a suggestion. The person installing the package may select a different value for the default update type. The safest option for most sites is to notify administrators when a new version is activated. Some packages make sense to automatically update but think carefully before you update those packages since an error or backwards compatability issue in the package could quickly break other sites. Setting the default update type to "Do not do anything when a new version is activated" mostly makes sense for full site packages or packages that do not contain any assets that would be updated anyways.
    • Agreement: Users will not be able to install your package until they have agreed to your Terms & Conditions. You may use the same agreement for multiple packages, in which case the user will only be required to accept it once and their acceptance will be permanently recorded. Terms & Conditions are read-only and cannot be updated once they are created, so if you need to update to newer Terms & Conditions you will need to create it separately and then update all packages that used the old Agreement from the old to the new version. After updating the Terms & Conditions users will be required to accept the updated agreement before they will be able to install newer versions of your package.
    • Labels: You may enter whatever arbitrary labels you desire, where each label has a key ("Type") and a value ("Value"). You can even have multiple labels with the same "Type". Use labels to organize your packages however you choose. Marketpath may use some labels (such as "standard", "industry", "framework", and others) to aid users in finding the types of packages that they may be interested.
  5. Click on the "Save" toolbar button. Your package will be created for you, and you will automatically enter the "Edit Draft" dialog.
    • If the package is a "Full Site" package, all of the assets and packages on your site will automatically be added to the draft version for you. All assets will be added as "Install only".

2. Create a new version of an existing package

If you already have a package and just want to create a new version of your existing package:

  1. Navigate to "Site" => "Site Packages".
  2. Click on the "Edit Draft" (pencil) icon next to the package you want to create a new version of.
  3. That's it! You will automatically enter the "Edit Draft" dialog.
    1. Assets for your new draft will automatically be copied from the previous version of the package, if applicable.
    2. If the package is a "Full Site" package, all of the assets and packages on your site will automatically be added to the draft version for you. All new assets will be added as "Install only".

While packages can have multiple versions, they may only have 1 draft version at a time. If the package already has a draft version, then following the steps above will open up the current draft version for editing.

Next Steps

Of course, creating a package doesn't really mean anything until you complete your first draft version and activate it. Continue to the next lesson to learn more about that..


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