Rocky Mountain Llama
Rocky Mountain National Park []

The short list of features included in this release is:

  • Improved gallery management
  • Edit and remove custom data from entities and pages from the properties dialog
  • A template naming convention migration

Gallery Management

Add/edit/remove gallery items directly from the gallery properties dialog. Dialog allows multi-selecting images to create gallery items from, as well as uploading images directly to the gallery.

Custom Data

You can now edit and remove custom data directly from the entity and page property dialogs.

Template Naming Convention

This change is intended to make template development easier by mitigating confusion related to capitalization in markup. Prior to this release, to output a list of the 3 most recent blog posts you might use something like:

<ul>{% BlogPostCollection posts Blog:entity sortBy:"PostDate" sortDirection:"DESC" limit:3 %}{% for post in posts %}<li>{{post.Name}}: {{post.PostDate | Date:"MMMM dd, yyyy"}}</li>{% endfor %}</ul>

If you failed to capitalize "Blog" or if you capitalized "limit" then it would not behave as expected. After this release, all arguments are lowercase (snake_case technically), although the tags themselves have not changed. The new correct syntax would be:

<ul>{% BlogPostCollection posts blog:entity sort_by:"post_date" sort_direction:"desc" limit:3 %}{% for post in posts %}<li>{{}}: {{post.post_date | date:"MMMM dd, yyyy"}}</li>{% endfor %}</ul>