Attribution: Pezibear on Pixabay

Completed in this release:

  • Bugfix: Corrected bug with WYSIWYG editor stylesheets when changing sites
  • Bugfix: Corrected bug with stylesheet-defined WYSIWYG editor inline styles
  • Feature: Added "Welcome to the CMS" popup for new users
  • Feature: Added ability to notify customers of changes before, during, and after releases/updates
  • Feature: Require authentication to view sites on the preview server
  • Feature: Added "Share" to the edit page interface. This currently only assist users in sharing the preview site with stakeholders, but may be expanded in the future to include sharing the live page on social media
  • Improvement: Better error messages for invalid template markup
  • Improvement: Cleaned up some domain handling issues, including making domains (and development domains) easier to manage
  • Improvement: Cleaned up the full site creation experience
  • Improvement: Added a lot of documentation - most of which is related to creating templates
  • Improvement: Form and Datastore Fields use underscores instead of dashes (to make them consistent with other template naming conventions)
  • Improvement: Site settings in templates now refer to objects instead of strings (just like custom fields)
  • Improvement: Attempting to retrieve a non-existent or disallowed object from the live API returns a 404 error instead of a 500 error

UI improvements:

  • Added a "decimal" field validator
  • Auto-focus on the search field whenever a list dialog is opened (eg: pages, blog posts, etc...)
  • Auto-publish menu items when creating an entity with a page and menu item and clicking "Publish" (before clicking save - that still doesn't publish the menu item)
  • When creating a menu item at the same time as creating a page, show the "Location" fields before the "Display" fields.
  • Improved tabbed navigation between select list and select object fields. Includes hitting "enter" or "tab" to select an object instead of requiring a mouse click.
  • Fixed the site navigation to the left side of the manage screen (it no longer scrolls off screen)
  • Other miscellaneous improvements