All along we've been calling this CMS 4.0 but in reality it's a completely new software. We decided to restart the numbering at 0. Our next release will be 0.1.3 and the first public release after beta testing will be 1.0. You can continue calling it what you want but I just wanted to explain what the versioning means.

Next release should come out today or tomorrow. We were on schedule to release on Friday but a few last minute bugs were thrown into the mix that we wanted to get fixed. 

Here's the list of updates to expect this release. Some may have been pushed already early on in the sprint.

Bug Fixes:

  • Html Editor - Image insert height & width not showing properly
  • Image download button doesn't work
  • Page editor - insert image - doesn't allow image selection
  • Page edit vertical slider is broken
  • Long custom field names overlap with fields
  • Menu dialog should contain menu name
  • Automatic secure (https) redirect for production

New Features/Enhancements:

  • Advanced filters - filtering content by additional methods in grid lists
  • Enforce folder/template restrictions 
  • Inline WYSIWYG editor Liquid markup editing and processing - this means we can write add inline liquid syntax to editable content to allow insertion of forms, widgets defined by a snippet, etc. It's fairly raw right now but we'll expand on it over time.
  • Start of import/export functionality - not yet completed. This is a huge (and important) piece and will require a couple more weeks at least to finish.
  • Object list field typesj - This allows a developer to add a list of a specific object type to a template, directory, form, etc. where the user is able to add one or more of the object type to page or entity data.
  • Updates to developer documentation

Future Features - For June 9th:

  • Import/Export & Site Copy
  • CMS 3.0 migration tool
  • Some billing and management features