The first step to exporting form submissions is to create the export. After an export is created, you can skip to running the export.
Creating the Export
You can do this by navigating to Site -> Exports -> New +
Fill in the Name.
For Format, you have two options
CSV - this plain text format separates the data by commas. Once downloaded, this file can be opened in Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Notepad, and other applications.
For Expires,
Leave the box checked, if you want the Export item to disappear after a certain period of time.
If you leave the box checked, the Expires field defaults to 2 days in the future. You can change this to be any date in the future.
Uncheck the box if you want to be able to run this export at any time in the future without recreating the export (these steps).
Creating a Form Submission Export in Marketpath CMS
For Items, scroll down and check the box next to Form Submission.
The field defaults to export all forms. If you want the export to export the form submission data for all forms into one file, then leave as all.
Other options appear if you click all.
Selection - after clicking Add Item +, you'll be taken to the Form Submission interface. From here, you can select specific form submissions, in addition to by form and date.
Filter - you can filter form submissions by form and date.
At this point, you can Save the export.
If you wanted to include Trashed form submissions, scroll down to Advanced, Click Untrashed. From here, you can choose to filter based on (form submission) statuses: All, Published, Unpublished, Trashed, or Untrashed.
Once you're done configuring the export, click Save, then the X in the top right to close the dialog.
Running the Export
Running an Export in Marketpath CMS
Exporting is always done from Site -> Exports.
Locate the export you want to run. Click the Run icon (⟳) for the specific export. Wait for the running dialog to disappear.
Click the Download icon (⇓).
Your computer will open the File Explorer. Select where you want the file saved. Click Save. Depending on your computer's settings the file may automatically open, appear in the downloads bar, or some other action.
TIP: To download the up-to-date data, always begin with #1 (Running the export) first. If you skip #1/Running the export, you'll just download the last version of the data you ran.