Marketpath templates have the ability to query datastores in unique and powerful ways. Dive into the advanced topic of liquid datastore queries.
The simplest way to query datastores - similar to other content - is to use the "filter" argument. This will return all datastore items containing the matching text in any searchable field. Eg:
{% var filterTerm = request.query_params['filter'] %}
{% datastore_items items = datastore:entity filter:filterTerm %}
Unlike other content types, however, datastore items can also be queried using a more advanced syntax to return a more specific set of results. Eg:
{% var filterTerm = request.query_params['filter'] | urldecode %}
{% var escapedTerm = filterTerm | replace: '"', '""' %}
{% capture var filterQuery %}description CONTAINS "{{escapedTerm}}" OR requirements CONTAINS "{{escapedTerm}}"{% endcapture %}
{% datastore_items items = datastore:entity query:filterQuery %}
Leading and extra whitespace is ignored. Quoted whitespace is not ignored. Capitalization does not matter.
- [phrase]
- [simplephrase] or ( [phrase] ) or NOT [phrase] or [phrase] AND [phrase] or [phrase] OR [phrase]
- [simplephrase]
- [field] or [field] [condition] [value]
- [field]
- [quotedstring] or [unquotedstring]
- [condition]
- =, ==, !=, <>, ><, <, >, <=, >=, CONTAINS, or LIKE
- [value]
- [numericvalue], [quotedstring], or [unquotedstring]
- [numericvalue]
- positive or negative integer
- [quotedstring]
- "..." or '...'. To escape quotes inside a quoted string, duplicate the quote character (eg: "...""..." or '...''...').
- [unquotedstring]
- single word containing only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores
Grouping Phrases
Multiple phrases may be grouped into a larger phrase and combined using the AND or OR keywords. It is possible to group more than 2 phrases together in this way, but if both AND and OR keywords are used then AND takes precencence (ie: "a and b or c and d"
is equivalent to "(a and b) or (c and d)"
). When using both AND and OR phrases together, you can - and should - explicitly identify the proper grouping using parenthesis (ie: " a and (b or c) and d"
). Explicitly identifying the proper grouping makes your code more consistent and readable even if the default behavior is the desired behavior.
Phrases may be inverted to return results that do NOT match the conditions using the NOT keyword. Eg: "a"
and "NOT a"
will return opposite result sets.
If no condition is specified, the phrase will match all datastore items with any value for the specified field.
- = or ==
- Matches datastore items where the specified field exactly matches the specified value.
- !=, <>, or ><
- Matches datastore items where the specified field does not exactly match the specified value.
- <
- Matches datastore items where the specified field is less than the specified value.
- >
- Matches datastore items where the specified field is greater than the specified value.
- <=
- Matches datastore items where the specified field is less than or equal to the specified value.
- >=
- Matches datastore items where the specified field is greater than or equal to the specified value.
- Matches datastore items where the specified field contains the specified text value.
The following are synonyms which developers may use at their discretion. Each of the following is synonymous in queries:
AND: and, +, &, && (eg: "a and b"
is the same as "a && b"
OR: or, |, || (eg: "a or b"
is the same as "a || b"
NOT: not, ! (eg: "not b"
is the same as "!b"
AND NOT: - (eg: "a and not b"
is the same as "a - b"
Simple query: {% datastore_items items = datastore:"Hotels" query:"number_of_rooms > 100 AND average_room_price <= 100" %}
Complex query:
{% capture query %}
number_of_ingredients < 6
NOT ingredients contains chicken
-ingredients contains pork
- ingredients LIKE 'beef'
{% if other_meat_to_avoid is_valid %}
AND !(ingredients CONTAINS "{{other_meat_to_avoid | replace: '"', '""' }}")
{% endif %}
OR ingredients contains egg
{% endcapture %}
{% datastore_items items = datastore:'Recipes' query:query %}
Query multiple configurable fields:
{% set query = "" %}
{% set fieldvalue = request.query_params['fieldvalue'] | urldecode %}
{% if request.query_params['fieldnames'] is_valid and fieldvalue is_valid %}
{% var fieldnames = request.query_params['fieldnames'] | urldecode | split: ',' %}
{% var queryparts = '' | compact %}
{% for field in fieldnames %}
{% capture querypart %}{{field}} = "{{fieldvalue | replace: '"', '""'}}"{% endcapture %}
{% set queryparts = queryparts | concat: querypart %}
{% endfor %}
{% set query = queryparts | join: ' OR ' %}
{% endif %}
{% datastore_items items = datastore:entity query:query %}