{{ time_diff }}

{{ time_diff }}

Contains information about the difference between two dates.


Field Type Description
object_type string Will always be "time_diff".
is_valid true/false Will always be true.
days integer The number of days between the two dates.
hours integer The hours component of the difference between the two dates (eg: if the dates are 25 hours apart this will be 1 since they are 1 day and 1 hour apart).
minutes integer The minutes component of the difference between the two dates (eg: if the dates are 90 minutes apart this will be 30 since they are 1 hour and 30 minutes apart).
seconds integer The seconds component of the difference between the two dates (eg: if the dates are 70 seconds apart this will be 10 since they are 1 minute and 10 seconds apart).
total_days number The total difference between the two dates expressed as whole and fractional days (eg: 25 hours apart would be 1.042 days).
total_hours number The total difference between the two dates expressed as whole and fractional hours (eg: 1 day and 90 minutes apart would be 25.5 hours).
total_minutes number The total difference between the two dates expressed as whole and fractional minutes (eg: 90 minutes, and 10 seconds apart would be 90.167 minutes).
total_seconds number The total difference between the two dates expressed as whole and fractional seconds (eg: 122 seconds and 10 milliseconds apart would be 122.1 seconds).


Time diff

{% var diff = request.date | time_diff: calendarEntry.start_date %} {% var is_future = true %} {% if diff.total_seconds < 0 %} {% set is_future = false %} {% endif %} This event {% if is_future %}will start in{% else %}started{% endif %} {% if diff.days > 0 %}{{diff.days }} days{% endif %} {% if diff.hours > 0 %}{{diff.hours }} hours{% endif %} {% if diff.minutes > 0 %}{{diff.minutes }} minutes{% endif %} {% if diff.hours == 0 and diff.seconds > 0 %}{{diff.seconds }} seconds{% endif %} {% unless is_future %}ago{% endunless %}