Use this tag to search the site for pages matching the given search term and return a collection of pages.
{% search [[var|set|assign] new_variable_name] [output_to_template] search_term [type:type] [start:1] [page:1] [limit:25] %}
You MUST include either a variable name to assign the collection to, "output_to_template", or both (if both output_to_template should be the later argument).
If you are assigning the collection to a variable and do not specify one of "var", "set", or "assign", then the "var" behavior will be used - which is to save the result on the current scope. If new_variable_name starts with '&', will attempt to assign the value by reference.
If you are outputting the collection to the template, it will use the default output for page_collections
This collection can be paginated by providing the following filters:
Search only blog post entities by a query parameter
CopySearch with query parameters and limit result length