{{ form_field }}

form_field Properties

Field Type Description
object_type string "form_field"
is_valid True|False Indicates whether or not this references a form_field.
form_guid text_field  
form form  
label text_field  
group_guid text_field  
form_field form_field  
class text_field  
is_readonly true/false  
map_to_user_attribute text_field  
type text_field  
subtext text_field  
default_value text_field  
properties text_field  
condition text_field  
validators text_field  
is_required true/false  
required_message text_field  
order number   
value string  Synonymn for guid.
output html The default output that the form_field would produce if it were output directly to the template.
output_in_list html The default output that the form_field would produce if it were output directly to the template from inside a list.
field_id string The field name - which will be used in the form submission to identify how the field should be saved and in processing conditional fields.
element_id string A helper property containing a unique ID for this field on this instance of this form. This value will be different every time the form is output.
validation_placeholder html A helper property to assist in creating the field markup. Contains a hidden and empty span which will be used by the field javascript to display error messages if the field fails to validate. If the field does not require validation then this is just an empty string.
pre_element html A helper property to assist in creating the field markup. Contains the container element (div, fieldset, etc...) to wrap around the field - including any classes defined on the field or used by the form javascript.
classes string The classes to be included on the container element for this field. Includes both classes defined on the form field and used by the form javascript.
post_element html  A helper property to assist in creating the field markup. Closes the container element opened by pre_element.
label_element html A helper property to assist in creating the field markup. Contains the element to be output as the label for this field (legend, &lgt;span class=label>, etc...). For required fields this includes the <span class=required> element.
form_element html A helper property to assist in creating the field markup. Contains the actual form element for this field (input, textarea, select, etc...).
fields list A list containing all of the child fields that are direct children of the current field. This is only meaningful if the current field is a group field.
varies varies Each of the officially-supported configuration options may be accessed on the form_field object. If an option is not specified and has no default, the value in the form_field property will be null/empty:
  • string accept - for file fields. Specifies the types of files that may be uploaded.
  • true/false allow_multiple - for select lists. If true, multiple values may be selected.
  • string date_options - for date and datetime fields. Contains a JSON-encoded string with options specifying how the date field should be displayed.
  • string delimieter - for checkboxlist, radio, and select lists. Contains the character used to separate the list of options.
  • string format - for the date and datetime fields. Contains the format that should be used when displaying the value of this field.
  • number max_length - for the text field. The maximum number of characters allowed.
  • number min_length - for the text field. The minimum number of characters allowed.
  • list options - for checkboxlist, radio, and select lists. Contains a list of options where each option includes both the string Key (value) to be saved when the option is selected and the string Value text to be displayed.
  • string placeholder - for the text field. Contains the placeholder to display while the field is empty.
  • string tag_type - for the label field. Contains the type of tag to use when displaying the label (eg: 'p', 'h3', etc...).
  • string timezone - for the datetime field. Contains the timezone that the date/time should be saved in.
  • string timezone_field - for the datetime field. If specified and the field exists on this form, use that field to get/save/change the timezone for the current field instead of it's own timezone selector. Do not use both this and the Timezone option field.
  • true/false timezone_locked - for the datetime field. If set to true, the timezone selector should not be displayed. Do not use with the TimezoneField option field.
  • string validation_message - for all fields with validation. If validation fails, display this message instead of the "smart default".
  • string value_delimiter - for checkboxlist, radio, and select lists. Contains the character used to separate the text and the value of each option in the list of options.
  • string theme - for the captcha field. Specifies the theme with which the captcha should be displayed (light/dark).
  • string captcha_size - for the captcha field. Specifies the size that the captcha will be displayed (compact/normal).
  • string button_type - for the button field. Specifies the type of button to be displayed (button/submit/reset).
  • string on_click - for the button field. Specifies javascript to be executed when the button is clicked - for the onclick attribute.
  • html html_value - for the button and submit fields. Contains the HTML to be displayed inside the button.

forms Summary

Contains multiple forms.

forms Properties

is_validtrue/falsetrue if this contains at least one form
prependedlist of formsforms that will be listed at the beginning of the items list
fetchedlist of formsThe primary list of forms to be included in the items list
appendedlist of formsforms that will be listed at the end of the items list
appended_uniquelist of formsforms that will be listed at the end of the items list, excluding any forms that are already included in either the prepended or fetched lists
itemslist of formsThe full list of forms in the proper order and uniqueness, including prepended, fetched, and appended forms
sizenumberThe total number of items in the list of items, including prepended, fetched, and appended forms
limitnumberThe maximum number of forms that could have been fetched dynamically from the database
startnumberThe 1-based index of the first form that was (or would have been) dynamically fetched from the database
pagenumberThe 1-based index of the first "page" of forms that could have been fetched dynamically from the database - as determined by the start and limit properties
total_countnumberThe total number of forms in the database that matched the provided filter parameters when fetching the list of fetched forms
total_pagesnumberThe total number of "pages" of results that matched the provided filter parameters when fetching the list of fetched forms - as determined by the total_count and limit properties
outputhtmlThe default output that the forms will produce when it is output directly to the template - using the "output_in_list" property of each form in the items list