{% redirect %}

Use this tag to redirect to another page or URL. Note that this method of redirect is much slower than using built-in redirects.


{% redirect
newPage may resolve to a fully-qualified URL (including the leading "http://", "https://", or just "//"), a relative URL (starting with the leading "/"), an entity object with a valid default_page_url, or a Marketpath CMS page.
If the URL appears to be valid, the request response will be a "302 Found" http response pointing to the new location.
If the URL does NOT appear to be valid, an error page will be shown instead.

newPage may resolve to a fully-qualified URL (including the leading "http://", "https://", or just "//"), a relative URL (starting with the leading "/"), an entity object with a valid default_page_url, or a Marketpath CMS page.

If the URL appears to be valid, the request response will be a "302 Found" http response pointing to the new location.

If the URL does NOT appear to be valid, an error page will be shown instead.


Redirect to requested page with login path appended

{% if user.guest %} {% redirect request.path | url_encode | prepend: "/log-in?r=" %} {% endif %}

Redirect to restricted page if permission is missing

{% if page.restrictiontype.is_valid and page.restrictionpage.is_valid %} {% var restrictiontype = page.restrictiontype.value %} {% unless permissions[restrictiontype].allowed %} {% redirect page.restrictionpage %} {% endunless %} {% endif %}