This tag is a shortcut for outputting an HTML tag.
This may evaluate to any valid tag name
You may include as many attributes as desired. If either attribute_name or attribute_value is null or empty then the attribute will NOT be output in the tag. All attributes output by the {% element %} method MUST have a value. Attribute values will be properly encoded.
If you end the {% element %} method with '/' then the element will be auto-closed (eg: {% element 'hr' / %} => <hr/>. If you do NOT end the {% element %} method with '/' then the element will not be closed until the matching {% endelement %} method.
{% element 'input' type:'text' name:'username' placeholder:'Username' required:required / %}
{% element 'div' id:'maincontent' class:'container wide' %}
{% include '/maincontent' %}
{% endelement %}