{{ article }}

article Properties

is_validTrue|FalseTrue if this references a article or false if the article is null
guidguidThe unique identifier for this article
post_datedatetime_fieldThe date the article was "posted". In addition to being displayed on the site, this field may be used for sorting and filtering articles.
summary_htmlhtml_fieldThe HTML to be displayed in the article summary - primarily intended for use when displaying a list of articles.
content_htmlhtml_fieldThe full HTML content of the article.
nametext_fieldThe entity name. This field is primarily intended for internal use by website administrators to identify objects.
linked_titlehtmlA link to the article if it has a URL, or the escaped title if not.
full_urlstringThe full URL of the page - including the scheme ("http://", "https://" or just "//"), the domain name, and the path.
visitedtrue/falseWhether or not the user has visited the article before in their current session. Note that this will always be false if the user has not allowed session permission (see the Permissions and Personalization documentation).
customvariesEach article includes all of the custom properties defined by the template.
tagstagsThe list of tags associated with this article.
authorsauthorsThe list of authors associated with this article.
valuestringSynonymn for guid
outputhtmlThe default output that the article produces when output directly to the template.
output_in_listhtmlThe default output that the article produces when output directly to the template as part of a list.

articles Summary

Contains multiple articles.

articles Properties

is_validtrue/falsetrue if this contains at least one article
prependedlist of articlesarticles that will be listed at the beginning of the items list
fetchedlist of articlesThe primary list of articles to be included in the items list
appendedlist of articlesarticles that will be listed at the end of the items list
appended_uniquelist of articlesarticles that will be listed at the end of the items list, excluding any articles that are already included in either the prepended or fetched lists
itemslist of articlesThe full list of articles in the proper order and uniqueness, including prepended, fetched, and appended articles
sizenumberThe total number of items in the list of items, including prepended, fetched, and appended articles
limitnumberThe maximum number of articles that could have been fetched dynamically from the database
startnumberThe 1-based index of the first article that was (or would have been) dynamically fetched from the database
pagenumberThe 1-based index of the first "page" of articles that could have been fetched dynamically from the database - as determined by the start and limit properties
total_countnumberThe total number of articles in the database that matched the provided filter parameters when fetching the list of fetched articles
total_pagesnumberThe total number of "pages" of results that matched the provided filter parameters when fetching the list of fetched articles - as determined by the total_count and limit properties
outputhtmlThe default output that the articles will produce when it is output directly to the template - using the "output_in_list" property of each article in the items list


{% article %}

Fetch a single article.

{% article
[var|set|assign] new_variable_name
Specify a variable name in order to save the article to a variable. If not specified the article will be output to the template instead. The variable will be saved using the "var" behavior unless "set" or "assign" are specified.
If included, the article will be output directly to the template.

{% articles %}

Fetch a list of articles.

{% articles
[var|set|assign] new_variable_name
Specify a variable name in order to save the results to a variable. If not specified the results will be output to the template instead. The variable will be saved using the "var" behavior unless "set" or "assign" are specified.
If included, the results will be output directly to the template.
Prepend the specified articles before the fetched results. All prepended input will be returned in the same order that it is input.
Append the specified articles after the fetched results. All appended input will be returned in the same order that it is input.
Prevent the specified articles from being included in the fetched results. Has no affect on prepended and appended articles
Specifically exclude all prepended articles from the fetched results. If "unique:true" is specified this is the default behavior, although you may also specify "exclude_prepended:false" to allow any prepended items to be fetched along with other results anyway.
Specifically exclude all appended articles from the fetched results. This is false by default - even if "unique:true" is specified - so that results are returned in the proper order.
If set to true, each of the resulting lists (prepended, fetched, appended, and items) will be unique, although there may be duplicates between the prepended, fetched, and appended lists. The "items" list will include objects in the order in which they appear - with prepended items first, then fetched items, then appended items.
If specified, then the "items" list will only include up to the specified number of articles. The "limit" may be automatically lowered to only fetch the maximum number of articles that will be included in "items" following prepended items. Note that this may also impact both the "page and "total_pages" values. In order to use pagination with a list loaded using "max_size" use "start" instead of "page" and "limit".
Only return articles that match the given string filter
Filter results to only return articles for which has_url exactly matches the specified value.
Filter results to return articles for which post_date is greater than or equal to start_date.
Filter results to return articles for which post_date is less than or equal to end_date.
Only return articles with one of these templates
Filter results to only return articles for which include_in_search exactly matches the specified value.
Filter results to only return articles for which site_domain_guid exactly matches the specified value.
Filter results to only return articles for which ssl_mode exactly matches the specified value.
Only return articles with one of these tags
Only return articles with one of these authors
Only return articles with one of these folders
Filter results to return articles for which date_created is greater than or equal to date_created_start.
Filter results to return articles for which date_created is less than or equal to date_created_end.
Set the 1-based index of the first article to fetch.
Automatically calculate the first article to fetch based on both of the "limit" and the 1-based "page" value. Ignored if "start" is set.
Defines the maximum number of articles to be fetched. If not included, this will default to 10. Note that if "max_size" is specified then "limit" may be automatically lowered even if specified.
Specify which field to sort the fetched results by. Has no affect on prepended or appended articles.
By default results will be sorted by relevance if there is a filter string and date_created (the date the item was first published) desc (newest first) if not.
Other Options include:
  • PostDate
  • Name
  • Title
  • URL
  • BrowserTitle
  • relevance (based on which field matches the given filter and where in the field the match is found. When sorting by relevance sort_direction is irrelevant)
  • date_created (Equivalent to the date you first published this item. Unpublishing and republishing the item resets date_created to the current date)
  • random (By default using random sorting prevents fast caching of the page. Setting "cache_random:true" overrides this behavior and allows the page to be fast-cached anyway)
Specify whether the fetched results should be sorted in asc (ascending) or desc (descending) order.

If you do not include any filters or inputs other than prepended items, appended items, or max_size, then no additional items will be fetched. If you wish to fetch all items you must include at least one additional input (ie: "start:1")